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Library Soup Newsletter

Reading-Research-Writing (RRW)

by Unknown User on 2016-04-21T15:44:00-05:00 | 0 Comments

Our Fearless Learning QEP focuses on integrated reading, research, and writing. Any activity we engage students in should include multiple opportunities for students to practice, revise and refine their RRW. If they read, then they research and write. If they write, then they research and read. If they research, then they read and write. What kinds of activities can we create to more deeply engage students in reflective inquiry? Activities which also support the classroom curriculum? Activities that we can use in the QEP LIBR workshops 1-2-3?


See: Arizona State -

Each of these three activities leads to the other two when you are engaged in inquiry. The arrows, which lead in both directions between them, suggest that this is not a simple, linear process. They are part of a cycle of thinking, learning, and communication, which never looks exactly the same from one project to the next or from one writer to the next.

Digging deeper we can uncover and make known to students the other recursive processes hidden within RRW. Kuhlthau's research model is recursive. Reading and writing strategies are recursive. Our brilliant SAC Library research logo is recursive: 

See: ACRL IS Framework, the upgrade from the ACRL IL Standards -

Authority Is Constructed and Contextual
Information Creation as a Process
Information Has Value
Research as Inquiry
Scholarship as Conversation
Searching as Strategic Exploration

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