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Check out a Textbook on Reserve

How to check out an item that your instructor has placed on Reserve for a course.

Reserve Items

What is a Reserve collection?

Reserve collection consists of two parts:

  1. The first part is a collection of items in MLC 308 generally assigned a 2-hour loan period. It includes books, DVDs, CDs, book chapters, articles, and instructor’s materials. These items can be found using online catalog or by requesting them in person at the Circulation Desk, MLC 308.   
  2. The second part is electronic reserve. It includes book chapters, articles, test reviews, instructor’s notes, or other photocopied material. Students can access electronic reserve items through the SAC Library catalog, 24/7 by course or instructor from any Internet-connected computer. After typing in their names and Banner numbers, students get access to the full text of Reserve items. In addition, a unique password may be assigned to a reserve item so that only individuals knowing the unique password can access the reserve item.

Students can identify items on Reserve by title in our catalog.

What do I need to check out reserve items?

Only currently enrolled Alamo Colleges students, currently teaching and working faculty and staff can check out Reserve items. To check out reserve items, one must have:

  • A current San Antonio College (SAC), Northeast Lakeview College (NLC), Northwest Vista College (NVC), Palo Alto College (PAC), St. Philip's College (SPC), or Alamo Colleges District (ACD) identification (ID) card with the Banner ID number.

How many reserve items can I check out and what are the loan periods?

Checkout Rule for Reserve Items:

  • General Rule: Only one reserve item may be checked out at a time.
  • Exception: If another item is a companion to the main item, then two items can be checked out.

Library Reserve Item Checkout Periods:

  1. 2-Hour Reserve Items: These items can be checked out at any time when the library is open and are due back within 2 hours. The last checkout for a 2-hour reserve item is two hours before the library closes. These items must be used in the SAC Library reserve area (MLC 308).

  2. 2-Week Reserve Items: These items can also be checked out at any time when the library is open and are due two weeks later. However, weekends and SAC holidays are not included in the due date. You can take 2-week reserve items off-campus.

  3. Textbooks for Mortuary Science check out for the full semester.

Overdue Fine: The overdue fine for any reserve item is .50 cents per day.


San Antonio College Library
Located in the Moody Learning Center (MLC), floors 2-4
1819 North Main Avenue., San Antonio, TX 78212
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