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Web, Media and Information Literacy: Scenarios

Each breakout room group will deal with one scenario

Breakout Room 1 Scenario:

A student has found the below article. She asks you, her professor, if this is a "good" source for her paper on immigration reform. During the next 10 minutes discuss the steps the student could take to verify the credibility of this article. Assign someone to report highlights from your discussion to the larger group when we reconvene.

Breakout Room 2 Scenario:

A student has found the below article from He asks you, his professor, if this is "real." During the next 10 minutes discuss the steps the student could take to verify the credibility of this article. Assign someone to report highlights from your discussion to the larger group when we reconvene.

Breakout Room 3 Scenario: 

A student writes a paper arguing that humans do not contribute to global warming. She uses the Global Warming Petition Project to defend her argument. What steps would you suggest she take to verify the credibility of this project? Assign someone to report highlights from your discussion to the larger group when we reconvene.

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