Career Research Worksheet
Use this worksheet (one occupation) to organize and personalize your research on a chosen career.
My traits scores: Artistic____Conventional____Realistic____Enterprising____Investigative____Social____ (6 points)
The occupation I am exploring is
____________________________________________________________(4 points)
Answer the questions as if the reader (me) knows nothing about the occupation. Dig deep. Do not list the first five. Look over the entire list. (Each question is worth 6 points)
Where is the position?
What qualifications do you need?
What are the responsibilities of the position?
What perks will you receive?
What is the salary?
Extra Credit (6 points)
Tell me why or why not this career is still interesting to you.
In this search I used quote marks to find words "as a phrase" and put and between my words to let the tool know I want to find all those words in every search result. I then limited my search to peer reviewed and selected last 5 years.
Library databases require a login from off-campus!
What does the login page look like?