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SDEV 0171 - Huerta, Lillian: Career Research

Class Assignment

Career Research ePortfolio Rubric

A.  Creativity of ePortfolio & Title Page requirements are included. (5 pts)

  1.  Title your Career Research ePortfolio Project.
    • Title: (Your name) Career Research Portfolio - (ex: Marshal’s Career Research Portfolio)
    • In the Description: EDUC 1300 Career and College Research Project
    • Save changes!
  2. CLICK HERE for steps to Make your Title Page.

B.  Research Content Specifications: Thoroughly research one career 

  1. Nature of the work: Describe the career you researched (20 pts)
    • Typical work activities, Tasks, Duties/responsibilities
    • Required skills
    • Work values
    • Typical work environments
  2. Economics of your chosen career (20 pts)
    • Education or training required: list what specific degree(s) qualify you for the career (Ex: similar majors)
    • Is a license/certification required for this career? If yes, what is it?
    • Typical salary (entry-level, mid-range and high end)
    • Projected outlook for career: What does the future hold for this career? Will jobs increase/decrease? How many? 
    • Related occupations
    • External Organization of interest associated with a career you researched
  3. Department at SAC most closely related to this career (5pts)
    • What Alamo Institute does your career fall under at Alamo Colleges
    • Department Chair/Contact
    • What building & room #
    • Phone number
    • Find one Alamo College Club/Organization associated with a major/career you researched
      • How? From your ACES account, click Student, then click Alamo Experience, click Organizations & search
  4. Focus 2 Report (interests, values, skills, personality) (10 pts)
    • Discuss how this career fits or matches with the results of your Focus Report
    • Include your interest in this career pathway. Why?
    • What will be the positive AND negative aspects of this career for you? (You must include BOTH!: Minimum of 3 positive & 3 negatives)

5. Potential Roadblocks (10pts)

  • Include 3 potential Roadblocks entering into this career. Where could/do people get stuck on this career path?
  • How will you go about negotiating these roadblocks to ensure reaching your goal?

6. Summary (10pts)

  • How has your knowledge of the career expanded by doing this research?
  • Has it changed your commitment to pursuing this career? If you are no longer sure about this career, what will be your next step in determining the right career for you?
  • What can you look forward to? Think personally, professionally, even globally

7.  Degree plans: Locate & include/attach a list of courses required in order to get that degree (10 pts)

  • SAC degree plan or Transfer Degree Plan
  • External Degree plan: Must be from a University (or equivalent College with a similar program)

8.   Citations!!! (10 pts) 

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