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EDUC 1300 - Medellin, Caresa: Career ePortfolio Project

Searching as Strategic Exploration

Career Research ePortfolio Project

Assessment 3: Career Research Project (ePortfolio)
     SLO(s) #3: Students will evaluate and implement academic and interpersonal skills needed     

     to achieve college, career, and personal goals.

Marketable Skill(s) & Focus Area(s):
     Critical Thinking:
     Synthesis: Students will combine and organize evidence to demonstrate a greater depth of   

     understanding of an argument/problem. 

This Career Research Project will give you the opportunity to learn in depth about a career in which you are interested and to think critically about how this career is or is not a good match for you.  This project will also allow you to develop skills in research using the SAC library and other resources.

The Career Research ePortfolio should include the following components:

You should have already created a portfolio in elumen. Your Career Research Portfolio should include at a minimum, the following:

Part 1:
(Gallery Pages)
: (20 pts)
Card 1: Title page w/picture (name, class, date)
Card 2: Mission statement with picture
Card 3: YouTube Video or an Inspirational Quote that represents you and your mission statement  
Card 4: Attach your Focus 2 Career Report
Card 5: Current Degree Plan and/ or transfer plan. Identify a 4-year college you would like to attend. View the transfer admissions requirements. What is the minimum GPA you must have? Are there additional admissions requirements? Is there an application fee? Is there an online program option?

 (Journal Pages) (10 Pts)
Journal Entry 1: Identify one career you will focus on

Journal Entry 2: Volunteer Work, Internships, Clubs/Organizations, campus events attended.

Journal Entry 3: Identify any marketable skills or soft skills you have learned or practiced this semester.

Journal Entry 4: Hobbies, interests, other skills.

Part 2:

(Add Gallery Page- Card 5) (70 pts)

Card 6: Career Research

After creating your ePortfolio, you will complete the rest of your portfolio using the research you have conducted on your selected career.  Once completed, you will add your research to card 6 in the Gallery Page section.

Career Research ePortfolio Grading Rubric ( Part 2)

Title Page (10 pts) (title, name, course name, instructor’s name, date)

Part 1 (10 pts) Describe the career that you are researching.

  • Identify one chosen career to focus on
  • Required tasks
  • Skills/abilities
  • Work environment

Part 2 (10 pts) Economics of this career

  • Required education or training
  • License or certification required/experience needed
  • Salary range (entry-level, mid-range and high end)
  • Projected outlook and trends in this career (Is this job in demand? Will it be in demand in the future?   
  • What other jobs could you do with this education or training?

Part 3 (10 pts) Discuss how this career fits with the results of your Focus Report (interests, values, skills, personality.)  Use your Focus Report to answer the following questions.

  • Identify your top 3 values.  How does your career choice align with your personal values listed on your Focus Report results?
  • What will be the positive and negative aspects of this career for you? Identify 2 positives and 2 negatives.

Part 4 Challenges (10 pts)

  • What are some potential roadblocks or challenges you might face while entering this career? Include at least 3.
  • How will go about negotiating these roadblocks to ensure reaching your goal?

Part 5 (10 pts)

In summary, how has your knowledge of the career expanded by doing this research?  Has it changed your commitment to pursuing this career?  If you are no longer sure about this career, what will be your next step in determining the right career for you?

Part 6 Reference Page (10 pts)

Using APA format, list the references you used for this paper.  You will need at least 4 references.  You must include any of the following:

  • Occupational Outlook Handbook
  • O-Net
  • Ferguson's Career Guidance Center
  • A Peer Review Journal Article found in a SAC Library database
  • After you are finished: Share the portfolio with your instructor
  • SHARING THE PORTFOLIO (See module:Overview of the Portfolio Tab in the eLumen Student Dashboard”

To share the portfolio with the instructor, view the portfolio from its homepage then:

  • Click "Share" (greenish tab in upper right corner in the banner)
  • In the Share with Instructors area, type in the instructor's name or select from the Instructors In This Term area
  • Click “Save”
  • Check the box “Make this portfolio Public”
  • Copy the URL in the section that says “Or share the following URL to give visitors access to your portfolio”
  • Submit your ePortfolio for a grade by pasting the URL into the module titled “Instructions for Career Research ePortfolio Project: SUBMIT HERE” in Canvas.

Flight Checklist, Keyword Grid, Search Example

What are we doing?

Zoom agenda and outcomes

Searching is Strategic!

searching is strategic keyword grid

Off-campus access

Library databases require a login from off-campus!

  • ACES username is required for login
  • ACES password is your password for login

What does the login page look like?


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