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English 1301 - Bell, Yon Hui: Consumerism

I Search paper on issue related to consumerism

Searching as Strategic Exploration

An I-Search paper is a mindful introduction to doing research.

Instead of focusing on finding sources that support a thesis, an I-Search paper is all about the process. Through documentation and reflection, students can compare how their understanding of the pair of objects evolves as their knowledge about it deepens. They can examine their search strategies, to become better researchers in the future.

For experienced researchers, the I-Search paper is a way to reflect and improve upon your current research skills.

To write an I-Search paper, you pick a subject to which you have a personal connection, and write about it from a personal point of view. Your paper will consist of three major parts:

  • The story of your search.  This section tells readers what you knew about your subject before you began your research, what you wanted to know, and the research steps you went through to find out what you wanted to know-including both the steps that led to useful information and the steps that turned out to be dead ends.
  • What you learned. In this section, you give readers the results of your search-both the answers you found and the answers you did not find.
  • Your reflections on the search.    You use this final section to tell readers what the experience has taught you about conducting and documenting a search.


Credit: Univ of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

The I-Search Paper

We have watched and discussed Annie Leonard’s classic film “The Story of Stuff” and read Chris Winter’s provocative article “Could We End Wealth?” With these two sources and the weekly discussions, we have hopefully expanded our understanding of consumerism and how it affects the planet, its people, and our sense of fulfillment.

For our next paper, we are going to research and write about a specific topic that is socially relevant and directly or indirectly connected to consumerism. This topic cannot be too broad and should be a narrow aspect of a larger issue you are interested in and want to make a claim about. You may select your own topic for this project, but your topic must be approved.

Structure and Format

The I-Search paper will be written in three sections: (1) Personal Connection, (2) The Research, and (3) Writing Process Reflection.

I. Personal Connection – (1-2 pages)
Before conducting any formal research, write a section in which you discuss your relationship to the topic. Is there a personal experience or motive leading you to research this particular topic? What do you already know or think you know about the topic? What would you like to learn about the topic? Develop a working thesis. What do you think you want to say about your topic?

This section will act like a personal preface or beginning). Separate this section into a minimum of two paragraphs: 1) Personal experience and what you already know, and 2) Research goals and what you want to learn and what claim you think you might make about your topic (working thesis).

II. The Research – (3-4 pages, 3-5 reliable sources)

Describe your research experience. Describe the findings of your research and how your sources contributed to your understanding of the topic. Support your findings with quotations, paraphrases, and summaries of information from your sources, providing in-text citation appropriately.

This section must have in-text citation and a Works Cited page. The Works Cited page does not count for the page requirements.

III. Research Reflection – (1-2 pages)
After concluding your search, compare what you thought you knew, assumed, or wanted to know with what you actually discovered, and offer some personal commentary and/or draw some conclusions. (Some of these ideas may be in section II). Also reflect on your writing and research process. Think about strategies that worked well, areas that caused difficulty, and new awareness of the writing and research process and yourself as a writer. 

This section will act like a personal afterword or conclusion. Separate this section into a minimum of two paragraphs.

Guidelines & Requirements

  • All sections must be typed according to MLA guidelines, the document must be uploaded to Canvas, and print copies must be submitted in class.
  • The first draft of The Research must include in-text citation and a Works Cited page to be considered complete.

  • For the final draft, compile all sections into one document.
  • Use I-Search Paper as the main title and then a colon to indicate your topic and thesis. For example: I-Search Paper: Reproductive Rights are Human Rights
  • Use the headings to indicate each section of your paper. For section II, use a colon to indicate your topic and thesis.
  • Keep the Works Cited page in section II with the research.

  • The complete paper should include 3-5 reliable sources.
  • The complete paper should be 5 – 9 pages, not including the Works Cited page.

     * 1-2 pages Personal Connection
     * 3-5 pages The Research
     * 1-2 pages Research Reflection

Due Dates

  • Section I: Personal Connection is due by Tuesday, March 5th.
  • The Annotated Bibliography with at least 2 sources is due Tuesday, March 19th.

Note: This is on the first day back from Spring Break so try to complete this before you take a break!!

  • The first draft of Section II: The Research is due Tuesday, March 26th.
  • The final draft of the entire paper is due Thursday, March 28th.
    Note: We are not submitting a draft for Section III: Research Reflection, but it must be included in the final draft.

  • Note how much time you have to research and write your paper before the first draft is due. Use your time wisely because there is not much time between the first draft and final draft.

Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes. (SLO 1)
Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution. (SLO 2)
Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose. (SLO 3)
Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts. (SLO 4)
Use Edited American English in academic essays. (SLO 5)

Off-campus access

Library databases require a login from off-campus!

  • ACES username is required for login
  • ACES password is your password for login

What does the login page look like?


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