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Communication 2311 - Abrego, Irene: News Investigating/Editing: II. Devise Strategy

Devise Strategy

Once you have used reference books or reference databases to get background information that helped you defined and narrow your topic, you will need to search for additional information:

  • What do you need to find out or verify about your topic? See the box to the right.
  • How many sources does your professor want you to you find or how many sources do you need to answer all the questions about your topic?
  • You will need to make a list of keywords to search the library Discovery and  databases.  Look at the keywords found in the reference sources you used.  You may also need to brainstorm or add the keywords you find in the additional books and articles you located.  Your keyword list is not static, it can change as you continue to do your research.

Some examples of searches for your topics:

Examples of keyword searches:

  • anime and encyc**
  • body image and women and advertis*
  • divorce and child*
  • fire arms or gun control
  • human trafficking
  • tattoo* or body art
  • teen* and pregnan*
  • television and violence


Questions & Keywords for My Example

My research example is:

body image and women and advertising



  • Perception of what is the ideal body image?
  • Beauty - what is desirable?
  • Media representations of beauty?
  • Cultural perceptions?


  • body image, self image, self esteem, self worth
  • women, adolescents, teens, teenagers
  • advertising, media
  • eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia



Ask Yourself...

Let's narrow and develop your topic. Focus on these basic questions:

1. Who is involved with this topic?

2. What is the nature or main subject area(s) of your topic?

3. When does this topic take place?

4. Where does this topic take place?

5. Why is this topic important to you and/or other people?

6. How does this topic affect you and/or the lives of other people?

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