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CDEC 1195 - DeHoyos-O'Connor, Ana: Research on Current ECE Trends

Searching as Strategic Exploration

The #1 most challenged children's book is Captain Underpants by Dav Pilkey (series)

Students will identify a topic of interest to research, evaluate and apply.

Step 1: Choose an early childhood trend or educational topic from the list provided in class. Identify resources to help you research the topic. This could include reputable websites, professional online communities, library research, and collaboration with other specialists/educators in the field. 6c

Step 2: Using the above research reflect on your personal view regarding the topic. Write a reflective essay or media presentation on how you will apply the new knowledge in your work. Prepare a 3-minute summary to share in class. 6d

Off-campus access

Library databases require a login from off-campus!

  • ACES username is required for login
  • ACES password is your password for login

What does the login page look like?


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