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EDUC 1300 - Mowrey, Kara: Peer Reviewed Articles for Career Research

Students will find and evaluate peer reviewed articles on topics related to leadership.

Searching as Strategic Exploration

Sample topic: Does leadership or involvement in campus activities increase student learning and retention? 


WHO do you think this topic affects? Who will researchers include in their study?

WHAT is the most important word that would describe your topic? What other words will researchers use to narrow and define this topic?

WHEN is this topic happening? Are there specific years of research you would like to review?

WHERE is this topic happening? What words do you think researchers will use to describe the setting or place of their study?

WHY do you think this topic is important? What arguments or conclusions will the researchers share in their study?

Purpose:  Students will understand that Searching is a Strategic Exploration


The purpose of this activity is to help you practice the following skills essential to your success in school and beyond. 

In this activity you will:

S.1. Understand how search tools are organized

S.2. Brainstorm keywords and select sources

S.3. Match information needs to a search tool

S.4. Design and refine a search strategy


This activity will also help you become familiar with the following important content knowledge: 

K.1. First attempts don't always produce good results

K.2. Information sources vary greatly in content and format

K.3. Recognize the value of browsing in gathering information

Keyword Grid, Search Example

Off-campus access

Library databases require a login from off-campus!

  • ACES username is required for login
  • ACES password is your password for login

What does the login page look like?


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