ENGL 1302
Research Paper
(worth 25% of final course grade)
About the assignment
For your final project, you will choose to research a topic that you discovered as we discussed poetry and fiction in our course this semester. That is, you must research and write an informal essay on a topic that must relate to an issue discussed during one of the readings. Possible topics: racism, sexism, classism, parental dominance, ethnic identity, etc.
Length: 5 to 6 pages (approximately 1,000 to 1,200 words)
1. This paper is in the form of an I-search narrative. That is, you may sparingly write in first person and must incorporate one primary source and at least two secondary sources in your paper.
THESIS TEMPLATE: In “___________,” the author presents ____________; it is a subject that I would like to explore due to ____________.
THESIS: In “Knock Knock,” Daniel Beaty presents issues with racism; racism is a subject that I would like to explore due to its effect on the African-American community.
NOTE: You may decide to expand one of your journals and use any portion of it in your essay--provided it meets the requirements of this assignment. You must give your paper an original title related to your topic.
2. The paper must incorporate three (3) sources: one primary and at least two secondary sources of various types chosen from the list below:
Primary source:
Secondary sources:
3. The paper must be in MLA format, double-spaced in Times New Roman, font size 12. All direct quotes and paraphrases must be attributed to the source with a signal phrase and must include an in-text citation. You must provide a works-cited list at the end of your document which must begin at the top of the last page. All sources must be properly cited on your works-cited list. I suggest that you also consult the MLA handbook or Purdue OWL.
NOTE: For a review of incorporating direct quotes, paraphrases, and in-text citations, refer to the instructions on the poetry paper and the fiction paper.
4. Submit the I-search paper on the appropriate assignment link on Canvas.
NOTE: An I-search paper not submitted on Canvas so that it is checked for plagiarism through turnitin.com will not be accepted for any reason. That is, I will not accept your final project as an email attachment.
Full text ebook editions of reference works published by Gale Research, Charles Scribner's Sons, MacMillan Reference, and their divisions.
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Full text ebook editions of reference works published by Gale Research, Charles Scribner's Sons, MacMillan Reference, and their divisions.
Important scholarly journals delivered as high quality page images and articles downloads are in PDF format. Coverage usually stops from 2 to 5 years prior to current year depending on each journal's publisher. Subjects include: African American Studies, Anthropology, Asian Studies, Ecology, Economics, Education, Finance, History, Language & Literature, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Population Studies, Sociology, & Statistics.
Students will understand how to create a flexible search strategy for an assignment
S.1. Utilize divergent (brainstorming) and convergent (e.g., selecting the best source) thinking when searching;
S. 2. match information needs and search strategies to appropriate search tools; and
S. 3. use different types of searching language appropriately.
K. 1. Realize that information sources vary greatly in content and format and have varying relevance and value, depending on the needs and nature of the search; and
K. 2. recognize the value of browsing and persistence.
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