Our very own SAC Student, Vivian Zapata designed this year's Common Read icon. Vivian is currently a sophomore in the Communication Design degree and plans to graduate in the Spring of 2022. She's set her eyes on becoming a director in the film and graphic design world. We appreciate her beautiful design and hard work on this icon.
We're proud to use a local bookstore to support our community and as the supplier for the books. Founded by bestselling author, Jenny Lawson (AKA The Bloggess), Nowhere Bookshop is an independent bookstore located at 5154 Broadway in San Antonio, Texas. Featuring new books, author events, unique gifts, and a coffee, wine and beer bar. Phone Number: 210-640-7260
People are more likely to exhibit cruelty and indifference when others around us do—and more likely to flex our kindness and empathy when others do, too. When we encourage callousness or kindness, we lend them social momentum.
The late novelist Amos Oz described combatting hatred as akin to fire-fighting:
“Bring a bucket of water and throw it on the fire, and if you don’t have a bucket, bring a glass, and if you don’t have a glass, use a teaspoon, everyone has a teaspoon. And yes, I know a teaspoon is little and the fire is huge but there are millions of us and each one of us has a teaspoon.”
Today, use the power of social norms for good, by reinforcing or challenging others’ behavior. If you see someone acting kindly or empathically, recognize and reward that. If you see someone acting cruelly or indifferently, challenge them.
Reflect on how this goes. Does it feel uncomfortable and intrusive to voice a norm to others, or does it come naturally? Do you think your actions made a difference?
Publications by Jamil Zaki
Opinion: Our divided times are an opportunity for empathy. Really.
During fractious times, empathy can seem as effective as bringing cotton candy to a gunfight. When the other side is viewed as an existential threat, meeting opponents halfway can feel dangerous — equivalent to betraying one’s side and giving up your ideals.
Diagnosing technology's damaging effects is the first step toward reversing them. Harris co-founded the Center for Humane Technology to encourage developers and investors to build "regenerative," rather than extractive, online platforms. The idea is that our capacity for empathy runs just as deep as our vanity, outrage or fear, and technology should highlight healthier forces
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The Library Common Read provides a shared experience for you by bringing the campus community together to attend a variety of events and talk about empathy. (It's not just talking about a book).
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