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Library SACS Accreditation 2015

Data and resources for our upcoming SACS review.


Library-Related Standards


SACS Questions for Learning Resources

SACS Questions for Learning Resources

SACS Core Requirement 2.9Show Detail:

The institution, through ownership or formal arrangements or agreements, provides and supports student and faculty access and user privileges to adequate library collections and services and to other learning/information resources consistent with the degrees offered. Collections, resources, and services are sufficient to support all its educational, research, and public service programs. (Learning Resources and Services)

Question (and header)

Answer Due By:

Person Responsible:

How are the institution's services (or access to them) structured to meet the needs specific to the institution's programs, wherever they are located? (How Learning Resources meet institutional needs)

Dec 1, ‘13


How does the institution assure convenient, timely, and user-friendly access? (Access to Learning Resources)

Dec 15, ‘13

Tom B.

How does the institution determine adequacy and relevancy of library/learning resources to support all its educational, research, and service needs?

Jan 31, ‘14


How does the collection development policy support the educational, research, and service needs of the institution?

Feb 31,’14

Tom b.

How does the institution determine if its services are appropriate?

Feb 31, ‘14


What are the library resources and are they appropriate to support the educational programs offered? *

Dec 15, ‘13


What access to collections and services is provided for off-campus sites and distance learning courses?

Dec 15, ‘13


How does the institution provide access to library-related resources not owned by the institution?

Dec 15, ‘13


How does the institution ensure that library-related resource relationships outside its direct control are relevant to its academic program?


Does this apply to us? Maybe for CTTC or Kerrville; Celita

* Chart of Library collections

Dec 1, ‘13

Tom B.     

* Chart of Library Staff

Dec 1, ‘13

Martha Castro/Yolanda

* Chart of Library facilities

Dec 1, ‘13

Tom K.

* Chart of Library Services

Dec 1, ‘13

Tom K.


Required Documentation for 2.9

  • Description of library collections
  • Description of library resources
  • Description of library services
  • Policies and procedures governing collections, services, and access to other library-related resources
  • Evidence that the institution's library-related resources support all its educational, research, and public service programs wherever located

Examples of other Types of Documentation

  • If the institution provides access to library resources through an arrangement with another institution, copies of contracts and agreements outlining access and services
  • If the institution provides access to library resources through an arrangement with another institution, description and analysis of the appropriateness of other institutions' collections and services for which access contracts are maintained; documentation of relevance and adequacy
  • User satisfaction surveys
  • Comparison data of collections to user population
  • Examples of recent improvements, changes, or expansions made as a result of data usage/satisfaction
  • Collection development and weeding policies

3.8 Library and Other Learning Resources

SACS Comprehensive Standard 3.8.1:   The institution provides facilities and learning/information resources that are appropriate to support its teaching, research, and service mission. (Learning /information resources)

Question (and header)

Answer Due By:

Person Responsible:

How are the institution's facilities or access to them, configured to meet the needs specific to the institution's programs, wherever they are offered and by whatever mode of delivery?* (Institutional Facilities and Access to Facilities)

Jan 31, ‘14

Tom K.

How is the provision of facilities and learning/information resources related to the mission? (Relationship to Mission)

Feb 28, ‘14

Tom K.

How does the institution determine appropriate facilities, and learning/information resources? (Decision-Making Process)

Feb 28, 14

Tom K.

* Chart of Library collections (same as above, but with column that relates them to Programs/Disciplines )

Dec 1, ‘13

Tom B.

* Chart of Library facilities (same as above, but with column that relates them to Programs/Disciplines )

Dec 1, ‘13

Tom K.


Required Documentation

  • Documents describing facilities, services, and learning/information resources and how they support programs and disciplines

Examples of other Types of Documentation

Mission statement of the library, learning resource center, or other similar


SACS Comprehensive Standard 3.8.2: The institution ensures that users have access to

regular and timely instruction in the use of the library and other learning/information

resources. (Instruction of library use)


Answer Due By:

Person Responsible:

What is the objective and the type of assistance available to learning/information resource users? (Type of Library Use Instruction Available to SAC Students)

Dec 1, ‘13

Stephen and Celita

What delivery mechanisms exist for instruction and assistance to library users and how are they assessed? (Delivery Mechanisms for Instruction)

Dec 15, ‘13

Stephen and Celita

How does the institution deliver instruction and assistance to all users at all locations and through all modes of delivery? (This may not need a header if it is a chart (below))

Dec 15, ‘13

Stephen and Celita

MAYBE a chart that shows the different ways Library instruction is delivered, at what intervals, by whom, and to whom (where)

Dec 1, ‘13

Stephen and Celita


Required Documentation, if applicable

·         Documentation of the availability and type of instruction

Examples of other Types of Documentation

  • Documentation of the assessment of the instruction

·         Reports of library instructional activity that demonstrate broad participation in the instructional program by all segments of the institution at all teaching locations


SACS Comprehensive Standard 3.8.3: The institution provides a sufficient number of qualified staff - with appropriate education or experiences in library and/or other learning/information resources - to accomplish the mission of the institution. (Qualified staff)


Answer Due By:

Person Responsible:

How does the institution determine the qualifications of its library/learning resource/ library information staff? (Learning Resource Staff Qualifications)

Dec 1, ‘13


How does the institution demonstrate that the staff is sufficient to accomplish the mission? (Sufficiency of Staffing)

Dec 15, ‘13


What professional opportunities are available to the learning/information resources staff? (Staff Professional Development)

Feb 31, ‘14


Faculty Qualifications Roster

Dec 1, ‘13



Required Documentation, if applicable

  • Roster of library/learning resource staff and documentation of their qualifications

Examples of other Types of Documentation

  • Position descriptions and any professional development support
  • Evidence that personnel use opportunities for professional growth and training




Don’t forget to include Barbara’s Shop and the portions of

Usha’s shop that relate to learning resources!

San Antonio College Library
Located in the Moody Learning Center (MLC), floors 2-4
1819 North Main Avenue., San Antonio, TX 78212
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