Schmalz, J. (2015, September 3). 'Ask me': What LGBTQ students want their
professors to know [Video file]. Retrieved from
The Chronicle of Higher Education interviewed over a dozen LGBTQIA+ students for this 12 minute video. The students respond to prompts such as "what makes you excited to learn?" and "do you feel safe?" The students discuss their fear of being outed in front of the class and of finding an accessible bathroom, and share experiences about professors who refused to use their correct name and pronouns.*Students discuss the ways in which focusing on their own safety prevented them from being present and engaged in the classroom. There are also suggestions for how professors can support students of all genders and help them to thrive. Though this video is addressed to university professors, the content is relevant to Northfield Mount Hermon. The video is accompanied by a summary article with a link to the transcript of the video.
*Note: the video used the terms "preferred pronouns" and "preferred name." This language has fallen out of favor because it implies that an individual's name and pronouns are preferred but not required. I've changed the language to "correct name and pronouns." As always, differ to trans youth and how they refer to themselves.
Moore, A., Pan, L., & Erlick, E. (2017). 5 Ways to make schools safer for LGBTQ students [Infographic]. Retrieved from
This graphic from Trans Student Educational Resources is geared towards high school students and suggests ways for them to support their trans peers. Some of these, particularly hosting an LGBTQ panel and introducing trans-inclusive policy are helpful for high school teachers as well.