See a list of all library search tools organized alphabetically and by subject area.
Occupational Outlook HandbookThe OOH can help you find information on job duties, required education and training, salary, and the job outlook your career.
O*NET OnLineLists all the basic information about careers plus offers you an in-depth look at special knowledge, skills, and abilities required in each job. Includes charts that compare salaries from your state to the nation and links to real time job ads.
Trade and industry publications including American Machinist, Modern Machine Shop, Pediatric Nursing, Wireless Week, Drug Store News, Reeves Journal, Hotel & Motel Management, Restaurant Business, Advertising Age, and more.
Note: requires Adobe Flash to be installed (click to activate Adobe Flash if asked); use Firefox web browser.
Use the 5Ws to generate search keywords
Think about the Who, What, Where, When, Why of your career to generate a list of ideas for narrowing your search. If you only use one or two words to search for your career, congratulations! You get thousands of search results to look through! Noooooooo! But after brainstorming with the 5 Ws, you now have a list of words to add to your search to narrow and focus your search to something specific. Here are some sample searches from my brainstorm for "librarians" - librarians and teaching and college / librarians and technology / librarians and empathy / etc.
Off-campus access
Library databases require a login from off-campus!