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Sometimes choosing your topic may seem like the hardest part of a project. Your assignment will be your starting point, and the requirements will tell you a lot about what sorts of ideas will make an appropriate topic:
How long does your paper need to be?
How much time do you have?
Do you need a a particular number or type of references?
There are several ways to help generate ideas for a paper if reviewing the requirements of your assignment leaves you stumped.
Attribution: UC Santa Cruz University Library
When choosing a topic to research, there are a few key aspects to keep in mind:
Broad vs. Narrow
The "W" Questions
The "W" Questions-Plus - Ask questions that support theories and practice.
Why do you need keywords?
Before you dive into your research, it’s useful to make a list of keywords that you will use as search terms. This can help you define your focus, and it will be a useful tool once you start searching, especially if your first search attempts don’t find much that’s useful.
Pull out key concepts
Once you have your topic, write it out as a short sentence or question and look at the different components that make up your statement. For example, the research statement "Is memory loss related to aging?" has two main concepts:
Start compiling a list of the key words that you will use as you search for your topic. List the words in groups by category. For example, the topic "Is memory loss related to aging?" might have key words that fall into two general categories:
Other words might relate to multiple aspects of your topic, or the topic as a whole.
Expand your list by thinking of related terms
Keep in mind that the way terms are used in some fields can be very different from standard everyday usage, and that popular sources such as newspapers or magazines may use different terms than scholarly writing. Reference sources are one good way to start generating lists of these terms for your topic.
As you progress through your research project, keep adding new terms to your list as you find them. Subject headings and article abstracts are particularly good places to look.
Attribution: UC Santa Cruz University Library
Try an all-in-one search for topics to get articles, books, and more. Use quotation marks "for phrases" and the * to pick up alternate endings in your search string.