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Convert a Database Item URL for Off-campus Access: Convert a URL for Off-campus access

Copy & Paste to Create a Persistent Link

Please use the following link to create an "Athenized" URL:

San Antonio College will auto-populate as the needed organization.



Embed a link to a specific Library database

Linking to a library database is pretty straight-forward. You must copy the link location from our Databases pages because those linked addresses provide the gateway by which off-campus users are verified.

  1. Go to the library's Databases pages.
  2. Find the database you want to link to and right-mouse click to copy the link location.
  3. Paste that link location into your web page.
  4. Always be sure to doublecheck that you've copied/pasted the databases's URLs correctly. Test test test your links.
San Antonio College Library
Located in the Moody Learning Center (MLC), floors 2-4
1819 North Main Avenue., San Antonio, TX 78212
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