A. Priority for posting items on the Reference Bulletin Board will be given in this order:
1. Library information or events
2. San Antonio College information or events, including notices of meetings for official SAC student organizations.
3. Information or events from other Alamo Colleges or the District
4. Community events that are sponsored or co-sponsored by San Antonio College
B. Bulletin board items must not exceed 11” wide or 17” long.
C. The Dean of Learning Resources or Reference Coordinator must initial and date items before they are posted.
D. Unless the Dean of Learning Resources or Reference Coordinator approves an extension, bulletin board items will be discarded after one week or one day after the event, whichever is sooner.
E. A bulletin board item can be discarded immediately if it is necessary to provide space for a higher priority item or if it is later deemed inappropriate.
F. Requests to post political ads, other than for SAC Student Government elections, will be denied.
G. Requests to post notices for such purposes as listing items for sale, providing private tutoring, and finding a roommate will be denied.
Only flyers/posters promoting a Student Life or Student Organization event, function or announcement are allowed to be posted on Office of Student Life-monitored bulletin boards.
All flyers/posters must be approved and stamped by the Office of Student Life located in the Loftin Student Center, 2nd floor. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to dispose of any unauthorized flyer or poster.